Download Master Media For Internal Evaluation from a Clipbin

Download Master Media For Internal Evaluation from a Clipbin

Premium Access clients (also known as a Preferred Vendor) can request to download Master Media for internal evaluation. Once your user account has been approved for Premium Access you will now have access to free master footage for internal evaluation, editing, testing, and quality control. Please note, you will be allowed access to this footage for 30 days. Additional licensing for clips selected for internal evaluation is required before any distribution of your production. 

Premium Access allows you to download multiple master files at one time. NatureFootage saves you time by allowing you to download all of the master files from an order manifest directly from a Clipbin, similar to how you would download low resolution previews from a Clipbin.  With this method, you can download numerous clips at one time. The upload to your account happens in several minutes, allowing you to download large master files quickly and efficiently.  For instructions on how to create a Clipbin, please review our Clipbin Guide.

The steps for downloading master media from a Clipbin are:

  1. Get approved to be a Premium Access client (Preferred Vendor)
  2. Create a Clipbin of clips
  3. Under the Actions menu, click on "Master Media Internal Evaluation"

This will create an order manifest, and you will receive a notification on the clipbin page that your master media internal evaluation order is being processed.  You will then receive an email when your clips have finished uploading to your account.

You can then access the files from your Orders page the same as you would for any other order.  Your new order of master media will appear at the top of the order list, and the files can be accessed under the "Download Media" link:

Please Contact Us if you are interested in becoming a Premium Access client (Preferred Vendor).
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